Our Guiding Principles:
We are encouraged, challenged and called into action by the gospel of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the advancement of His Kingdom here on earth. This is all that we are and all that we do. The African Christian Youths Development Forum is pursuing the dream of reaching and, by the power of the Spirit of God, taking over families, neighborhoods and cities in Africa and the world in general, and transforming them into places that fulfill the creative intention of God in Christ. It is our plan to enlist the full armor of God through prayer, fasting, evangelism, Christian leadership development and the powerful spirit filled gatherings in which believers are anointed by God to take over their communities for Christ. It is our joy, duty, honour and privilege to worship and serve our Lord Jesus, and to surrender ourselves in humility and obedience to the authority of His Word. We exist for the purpose of crowning Christ as King through evangelism, preaching and teaching God's word, worship and prayer.
The Objectives of the African Christian Youths Development Forum shall include the following:
1. To advance the propagation and promotion of Kingdom principles and practices that will facilitate progressive human development and to encourage Christian youths to actively participate in that process.
2. To promote contact, offer assistance, support training and exchange of information, communication and skills aimed at promoting Kingdom work and activity.
3.To mobilize the individual capacities of Christian youths at home and abroad, through conducting skills inventories for meaningful projects, skills development and exchange.
4. To provide a platform for the maximum expression of youthful creativity and the harnessing of the rich potentials of Christian youths for the promotion, stimulation and advocating of positive changes and development.
5. To build the capacities of Christian youths through skills development programs, workshops, leadership seminars, conferences, etc, towards self-reliance, self-actualization, health and capacity.
6. To denounce corruption and other anti-social practices among Christian youths and to elevate initiatives that generate public trust and confidence.
7. To form partnerships and cooperation with other well meaning individuals and organizations that share our vision and mission for the common good of humanity.
8. To serve as a proactive and responsive Christian voice to the world, by championing, projecting, defending and promoting the cause of God’s Kingdom before Kings, nations and peoples of the world.